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Ostomy Chapter Meeting, Sept 16,2001

Call To Order:

The meeting was called to order at 3:25 by the president, Ronald Perry. Eleven members were present.

Approval of Minutes:
The minutes from August 19, 2001 were read by the secretary and approved as read.

Treasurer Report:
In the absent of the treasurer, the secretary gave the report. After paying conference and traveling expenses the balance was $1,665.79.

Meeting and Reports:
The president stated that he had found someone to make the display case and that he planned to have an exhibition at the Jacksonville Fair. If he does, he asked members to volunteer to manned the booth.

Members voted to postpone the election of officers until the October meeting because there were not enough members present.

The format of the ostomy website was presented to the members including the E-mail address, which is: The heading is: Welcome to the United Ostomy Association of Jacksonville,Fl.

The next national United Ostomy Association meeting will be in Philadelphia,Pa. August 14-17,2002.

There was an informative discussion of body water requirement, including recommendation of at least 10 glasses of water per day. Various methods of getting fluid into the body were discussed. The president gave the following formula for adding electrolytes in the body:

1-quart of water
1-tsp salt
1/2-tsp baking soda
3/8-tsp potassium chloride powder
4-tsp sugar or karo syrup

The meeting was adjoured at 4:30pm.

Submitted by
Mamie B. Davis.

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